

    S.No. Committee Members

    To maintain overall discipline of school/students during their presence in the campus.

    Prepare detailed plan for morning assembly, lunch break, zero period and dispersal at the end of the day.

    To form discipline committee among students andallot duties to them.
    To maintain a class-wise register containing the records of late comers, uniform defaulters, damage of school property, any in-disciplinary activities inside and outside class room.
    A month wise rolling trophy may be given to the Best disciplined class (separately for primary and secondary) based on specific judgement criteria formed by the judgement committee.
    Select the office bearers of the student’s council as per KVS norms and assign duties for the members for the maintenance and improvement of the discipline of the Vidyalaya.
    To maintain discipline during all functions and programme.

    Mr S K.OJHA, PGT (Bio)-Overall I/C
    Mr EJIT SINGH TGT (P. & H.E.)
    Class Teachers
    Class Monitor/s
    All Stakeholders